Each and every day you should do the daily seven exercises. When doing them in PT
formation,follow this structure:

Today, we will preform the Marine Crops DAILY EXERCISE (Urrrbbhh)

These exercises will be executed in four count movements of 10 repetitions.

I will count the cadence, you will count the repetitions.

the first exericise will be The Side Straddle Hop.
Starting postion; MOVE. (Urrrbbhh)
In cadence, exerise.
Position of attention; MOVE.

The next exercise is The Bend and Reach.

The next exercise is The Bend and Thrusts.

The next exercise is The Rowing Exercise.

The next exercise is The Squat Benders.

The next exercise is The Marine Corps Pushups

The next exercise is The Body Twist.

Platoon Sergeants, take charge of your platoon and carry out the remainder of the 
physical training schedule.

return to headquarters