Once you decide where you are going to camp, you begin the planning process. tell at least three people where you are going and when you plan to return. No one can ever be fully prepared for a survival situation. But, proper planning can go a long way toward preventing disaster.
There is an old saying that is pretty accurate when predicting the weather: "Orange sky in the morn', sailors be warned, orange sky at night sailors delight." Other ways to predict good weather are: Fresh spider webs, heavy morning dew, clear bright moon, birds flying in the evening just to name a few. Some ways to predict bad weather are: red sky in the morning, a ring around the moon, flower blossoms closing, no morning dew, and increasing wind.
1) Cover 2) Unit T-shirt 3) Camouflage Uniform 4) Clean Underwaer for each day 5) Socks 6) Boots 7) Sneakers 8) Swim suit 9) Soap,wash cloth & towel 10) Toothpaste & toothbrush 11) Gear bag 12) Tent 13) Poncho 14) Sleeping bag 15) Mess kit 16) Bug repellent 17) Map 18) Compass 19) CB radio or ham radio 20) Lantern 21) Sweat shirt 22) Jacket 23) First Aid Kit 24) Utility Knife 25) Whistle or Signal device 26) Canteen
May 15, 16, 17 Field Exercise return to headquarters